some effective tips for weight loss


   welcome my friends to the new notation for today, the new blog spot is  talking about some effective advices for weighting loss :

1 - Hot water:

Warm or hot water is a little expensive single remedy, effective and without any side effects. Drinking hot water does not lose weight, but can help you lose weight. Drinking 1 liter of water every half day, during a light diet, your weight loss will increase.

2- cofee:

Coffee not only drope your energy, it reduces the feeling of hunger (a cup of hot coffee when you wake up, and half an hour before eating, can reduce appetite by 35% over the entire day), aids digestion, regulates blood sugar and transit, fighting against constipation.
Drinking coffee can be used as an adjunct of the schemes, on one condition: drink moderately!
Half an hour before sitting down to eat, drink a strong, sweet coffee, but never exceed 200 mg to 300 mg of caffeine a day or two to three cups or five to six cafes. A higher consumption of coffee may be harmful to your health, and may cause the opposite effect by making you fat.

3- green tea:

Green tea, specifically the catechins and caffeine in it can help control our weight because it helps digestion, stimulates and drains the liver by promoting the conversion of stored fat into energy while having a cutting effect -faim.

4 - Hot water with lemon:

The virtues of the hot water can be multiplied with the lemon.
Refreshing and stimulating, rich in vitamin C, copper and iron, lemon or lime juice helps to lose weight thanks to its appetite suppressant, fat-burning and detox. But be careful do not overdo it if you have stomach pain or kidney problems.
Drink the morning, a bowl of hot water into which you pour the juice of half a lemon drink throughout the day with warm lemon water.

5-Cinnamon tea:

The benefits of cinnamon on diabetes are well established, however we know less about the virtues of cinnamon those who want to lose weight through its effect "fat burner" and appetite suppressant, especially when the sweet craving arises.

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